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 div()                   Divide Two Integers

 #include   <stdlib.h>

 div_t      div(numer,denom);
 int numer;
 int denom;

    div() divides two integers, the numerator 'numer' and the denominator
    'denom'.  The result is returned in the structure div_t which is
    defined in <stdlib.h>:

     typdef struct {
          int  quot;               /* quotient */
          int  rem;                /* remainder */
     } div_t;

       Returns:     The structure div_t whose elements are the result of
                    the divide performed: the quotient 'quot' and the
                    remainder 'rem'.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements divide two integers and print the result.

           #include <stdlib.h>

               div_t rslt;
               int num = 5000, den = 256;

               rslt = div(num,den);
               printf("%d div %d = %d",num,den,rslt.quot);
               if (rslt.rem != 0)
                   printf(", remainder %d\n",rslt.rem);

See Also: ldiv()
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